<Pals> invade Seb! 9-21-22

We organized two groups and went into Seb. Initially we went to Disco to mess around, and decided “Hey this is fun, let’s have more fun!”

So we ventured down into lower jail/king area and posted up there for a couple hours. We got 3 spawns of king cleared, and 2 fungi tunics! It was a unanimous decision that we would sell the tunics and share the proceeds with everyone that was there, so not just two people win big, but everyone wins something.

In the end, everyone will have netted just over 10k in that adventure!

If you want to hang out with a mature group of folks who think about winning together as a team, rather than individual achievements, come check us out! We’d be happy to have you 🙂

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We’re still ALIVE

Thanks to Titanasas and others, <Pals> logged its first raid target on 9/15!
Loot: Ore, backbone, Rogue weapon, and shaman clicky <3

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8/25 – Long Overdue!

Had our first event last night – PVP in Crushbone! Only 4 people showed up, but we had a great time!


We are recruiting!!! Any level, any class! Come play with us!

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I can’t believe..

It’s been about 5 days since my last post… but we’ve been busy! We’ve been recruiting and gaining awesome members like this one that make our guild chat enjoyable:

We’re cruising. Timeline for small targets and raids is about a week and a half, to two weeks! I can’t wait.

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So, uh… EQ itch.

The TLP rulesets this year were very… not appealing. I wish we would have started on Mischief. That server looks fun! But, anyways… I jumped into a server I started playing when it first launched its flagship server: Project 1999!

It was a magical sight. I had just logged on, and was beginning to kite the gnolls that you can see in the picture when I noticed Quillmane, and HAD to take her down! Too bad, she only dropped the legs. It would have made for a much better story.

Regardless! <Pals> is back! And we are recruiting!

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